When Can We Expect Outlander Season 7 to Make Its Comeback? Our Thoughts

 Foreigner's seventh season looms not too far off as the last eight episodes of the 16-episode season will air at some point in 2024, however when will that be precisely?

Starz presently can't seem to declare the debut date, however an extraordinary achievement could act as the ideal send off for the hotly anticipated portions, as Stranger commends its tenth commemoration this year. Could Claire (Caitriona Balfe) and Jamie Fraser's (Sam Heughan) time-navigating romantic tale keep on unfurling on a similar date as the main season's debut?

Appearing on Saturday, August 9, 2014, Foreigner reignited energy encompassing the characters and stories from Diana Gabaldon's books, transforming it into a television peculiarity as the principal season unfurled. Taking into account Season 7 is quick to incorporate 16 episodes since Season 1, a fitting method for praising and honor the show's set of experiences is have Section 2 of Season 7 show up on August 9.

Much really fascinating that August 9 ends up falling on a Friday, which was the night for Stranger Season 7's initial eight portions. While this is simply a hypothesis right now, the separating would function admirably with the momentum record of series creations as Foreigner's prequel side project Stranger: Blood of My Blood is shooting and Season 8 of the leader show is supposed to start soon in Scotland.

With the appearance of the side project improbable whenever this year, and Season 8's debut possibly showing up from that point onward, it would seem OK for Starz to keep down the Season 7 return until in the not so distant future; that has additionally been the language utilized by Starz to prod when we'll have more Stranger.

Certainly, this would imply that it would be more than a year since fans last invested energy with their #1 characters, however assuming that there's one thing they've improved at persevering, it's a typical Droughtlander. At the end of the day, resisting the urge to panic streaming existing episodes until Season 7 returns is most likely best.

Remain tuned for any expected updates as we keep on watching for news, and let us in on your thought process of this debut date hypothesis in the remarks area, beneath.

Stranger, Season 7, Section 2 Debut, 2024, Starz